
J.-C. Jiang

“What I cannot create, I do not understand.” – Richard Feynman

👨‍🔬 About Me

Hi there! I’m J.-C. Jiang, as known as Jim. I’m a graduate student at Department of Physics, National Taiwan University.

My research interests include quantum information, quantum computing, condensed matter physics, computational physics and machine learning. I’m also interested in programming, especially in Python.

My hobbies include playing riichi mahjong (Japanese mahjong), FPS and open world crafting games, watching movies and anime, and reading novels and comics. Also, I have been doing some researches on ACG studies. I will share some of my works in the future at here.

❤️: 🎞️🎳🀄🔭🍜🍣🍑🍉✈️ Liella!💫 MyGO!!!!!🧭

ℹ️ About This Site

In this site, I will share my researches, works and thoughts, including but not limited to the fields of physics, programming and daily life. Basically, I will write the posts in English, but sometimes I might write it in Chinese.

For reason of drafting, the repo of this site is kept in private. On the other hand, if there is any typo or mistake, please feel free to contact me or open an issue in Jim137/Jim137.

By now, this site is just started and I will keep updating it. I hope you all can find something interesting here.

This site is built by Hexo and the theme is Ayer.

©️ Copyright claims: Copyright on all the literal contents of pages and posts and image contents of posts in this site is owned by J.-C. Jiang. For commercial reprints, please contact me for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the author (J.-C. Jiang) and the link to original post.

🥼 Social & Contact

🔭 My Works on GitHub


📈: Keep updating and developing new features.

🛠️: Keep maintaining.

🛸: Plan to develop new features.

📳: End of development but any issues are welcome.

My GitHub Info

  • Copyright: Copyright is owned by the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.


  • Copyrights © 2023-2024 J.-C. Jiang
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