Hi There!

Hi There! I’m J.-C. Jiang, as known as Jim. I’m an undergraduate student in Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University.

It’s my pleasure to meet you here. I am going to share my works and thoughts here. I hope you enjoy it.

About Me

To know more about me, please visit About.


What I will share here are mainly about:

  • Physics
    • Quantum Information
    • Applied Physics
    • Computational Simulation
  • ACG (Anime, Comic, Game)
    • Researches
    • Reviews, Thoughts & Recommendations: It will be posted on my ACG blog ACG Plaza.
  • Daily Life
  • etc.

Basically, I will write the posts in English, but sometimes I might write it in Chinese. Additionally, I will try to write in Japanse to improve my Japanese skill.


If there are any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me or open an issue in Jim137/Jim137.

Alternatively, you can contact me via email or Discord.

  • Copyright: Copyright is owned by the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.


  • Copyrights © 2023-2024 J.-C. Jiang
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